

One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly! “啪!”伍娇娇一拍掌狠狠打在龙清月脸柳眉一竖骂道“敢骂我?你找死!你还是清醒些吧云爱人是我!呵呵……” 龙清月脸立刻出现五个深深手指印眼泪直飙“你胡说我不相信!”她扯住南宫云衣袖急急问道“云她说不是真对么?你不会娶她你是我未婚夫除了我你不能娶其他女人!” “死女人滚!”南宫云眉头皱得更深了衣袖一挥将龙清月甩出几米外‘嘭’一闷响龙清月头撞到了地鲜血潺潺流她眼前一黑直接昏死了过去 “真是晦气!”南宫云手中折扇猛摇似要扇走这些晦气一般 南宫云见龙清月躺在地许多都没动静命身旁侍卫前查探那侍卫前探了探地龙清月鼻息猛然惊道“三殿她……她没气了!” 南宫云等人一惊没气了?这可惨了虽然龙清月是个傻女呆但好歹也是镇国大将军龙厉孙女而龙厉却是人极其护短对这个傻孙女宝贝得很万一知道是自己害死了龙清月就算是父皇口求情都没 “该死真是个废物!”南宫云低咒骂着眼底却满是焦急担忧色 钟瑞也是一脸铁青忙前探查着女鼻息 昏迷中少女忽然慢慢睁了眼眸黑亮眸中闪过一丝锐利锋芒眨眼即逝快若流星 Zhong Rui zheng leng in situ the nangongshan cloud see Long Qingyue woke up happily shouted "it’s great

[Nearby] Stewed pig’s trotters, er …


Zuo Tangtang rarely hesitated. Can she say that she was going to have a big surprise and said that she would come back? But now she has been shocked nine days later? [Nearby] If you

"People still have classes. Look at Dongyang. He grew up eating and wearing a lot. What kind of friends should he have around him? Xu Yi will carefully arrange them. Because Dongyang was born different from others, everyone in his world is as arrogant as him. He suddenly met you and he felt very fresh."


She took a deep breath. "What does Miss Tang want to tell me?" Tang Kexin had to say, "Dongdong, maybe I told you this on purpose because I told Dongyang. Yes, I still love Dongyang,